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 Choral Workshop with Concert on Lake Garda

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R E V I S I O N E     D E L L A     D I S C U S S I O N E
MRF Inviata - novembre 22 2018 : 10:32:03
17 - 20 October 2019

Choral Workshop in in Riva del Garda
International Oratorio Choir

W. A. Mozart - Coronation Mass, KV 317

Who can take part in the project?
- groups of at least 10 persons

What are the terms and conditions for singers?
- own choral scores (published by Breitkopf & Härtel)
- some rough knowledge of the piece (e.g. having worked through it yourself or indeed having performed it on a previous occasion)
- commitment to attend all the rehearsals throughout the project phase

further information:
1   U L T I M E      R I S P O S T E    (Ultimi inserimenti)
MRF Inviata - agosto 09 2019 : 11:19:54
We are searching again for singers for our choral workshops next year.
15-18 October 2020 on Lake Garda with W. A. Mozart's - Coronation Mass, KV 317
For more information please visit
We are looking forward to you and our joint singing.

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